Body Sculpting in Fairburn

If stubborn fat has been a problem despite your best efforts, Advanced Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center has a solution. Body sculpting in Fairburn can benefit patients physically and psychologically, enhancing their natural beauty and increasing self-esteem. This procedure eliminates fat and tightens muscles for a toned, defined figure.

When you are ready to take the next step toward a more confident you, we encourage you to call our office today. Learn more about our plastic surgery offerings and how to get started!

Body Sculpting Performed Non-Invasively

Advanced Aesthetics offers a non-invasive method of eliminating fatty tissue through radiofrequency microneedling. This process of lysing or destroying fat is called lipolysis. Lipolysis can be accomplished by radiofrequency administration, laser or ultrasound application, injection to lyse fat cells, or liposuction.

Laser and radiofrequency lipolysis direct waves to fat tissue to heat it and break down fat cells. Injection lipolysis destroys fat tissue by injecting deoxycholic acid into it. These are examples of noninvasive procedures that effectively eliminate fat pockets that remain seemingly stubborn and intractable.

Body Sculpting Performed Surgically

Liposuction is a premier surgical body sculpting technique popular in Fairburn for fat removal. A common treatment area for liposuction is submental fat in the neck, which patients call a “double chin.” Midsection fat, also known as “love handles,” is another typical place where fat can be easily removed with liposuction.

A plastic surgeon who performs body sculpting by liposuction inserts a cannula into targeted, fatty, pocket-laden regions. The cannula is a tubular medical device shaped like a straw that intricately vacuums out fat when connected to a suction machine. Ultrasound can be combined with the procedure to accelerate the fat destruction process.

Combining Liposuction and a Mommy Makeover

Liposuction often complements a mommy makeover, which can include breast augmentation and body sculpting for Fairburn patients. This combined procedure, performed in a single session rather than two separate ones, can significantly reduce recovery time.

After giving birth, moms lose “baby weight,” but abundant skin is left behind. A tummy tuck removes abdominal skin, which is still in excess and will correct any muscle separation. Conversely, sometimes baby weight refuses to go, and breasts enlarge and become heavy—so much so that they are sagging over surrounding abdominal skin. Breast augmentation with lift brings back the volume of the breasts and returns them to their original position.

Body Sculpting and Contouring of the Extremities

If thighs, knees, and calves begin to sag with the loss of muscle mass or an increase of fat tissue, inner and outer lifts to these areas can be body sculpted and contoured with or without liposuction.

The same is true for body sculpting and contouring the arms. An arm lift reduces sagging skin and removes any fat that has replaced muscle. The result is arms that show their muscles and appear toned and smooth.

Become a Body Sculpting Patient in Fairburn Today

Experience the unparalleled expertise of our board-certified plastic surgeons and highly skilled aestheticians at Advanced Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired body shape.

Our surgeons are committed to your health and safety during all procedures. Call to make an appointment today and start your journey to a healthier, more confident you with body sculpting in Fairburn.