Tummy Tuck in Atlanta

A flat belly is a fitness and beauty goal for many. Magazines and television ads make it seem easily attainable with diet and exercise, but for most people, there are obstacles to achieving a slimmer profile that aren’t so simple to overcome. Genetics can determine where your body stores stubborn fat, pregnancy can stretch muscles and change the shape of your abdomen, and drastic weight loss can leave loose, excess skin that will not tighten on its own. If you feel less confident in your physique because of a protruding belly or excess abdominal fat and skin, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty).

Tummy tuck in Atlanta is not intended for weight loss. Instead, the goal of this body sculpting surgery is to tighten stretched muscles and remove excess skin and fat that are not responding to diet and exercise.

There are several different approaches to tummy tuck surgery. The technique for you will depend on the extent of your concerns, and your surgeon can tailor a combination of tummy tuck options to your needs. A consultation at the Advanced Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center can help determine which tummy tuck approach is right for you.

What Does a Tummy Tuck Do?

A flat stomach is a common goal for many. However, it can be difficult to achieve with diet and exercise alone. A tummy tuck works to flatten the stomach, creating a more slender, sculpted, and muscular look.

Stretch marks are common on men and women, but many individuals are self-conscious of them. A tummy tuck can eliminate stretch marks on the lower abdomen if they are on the portion of the skin that is removed.

In addition to improving your body’s appearance, a tummy tuck in Atlanta surgically tightens the weakened abdominal muscles, resulting in improved posture and core strength, which can help alleviate body pain.

What Are My Tummy Tuck Surgery Options?

The standard tummy tuck uses a low hip-to-hip incision that gives your surgeon access to underlying fat and muscles. This allows them to completely remove unwanted lower belly “aprons” of overhanging skin and fat and tighten the muscles with internal sutures.


Mini tummy tuck techniques use a horizontal incision between the hip bones to address the lower abdomen only.


The extended tuck uses a longer incision to reach the hips and flanks in addition to the belly.


The reverse tummy tuck uses an incision along the underside of the breasts or pectoral muscles if you are looking to treat only your upper abdomen.


During tummy tuck surgery, your board-certified plastic surgeon will remove excess fat from the abdomen. If needed, liposuction techniques can be combined with your abdominoplasty.

How Can I Prepare for My Tummy Tuck?

To prepare for your tummy tuck procedure, you should plan to bring a responsible adult with you to the appointment to drive you home and assist in your recovery. You should also stop smoking and taking anti-inflammatory medications, as they can thin your blood and increase your risk of complications.

Can Tummy Tuck Surgery Be Combined With Any Other Procedures?

Many patients undergoing abdominoplasty wish to improve other areas of their body as well. Common procedures performed in combination with tummy tuck surgery include:

Please speak with your surgeon if you are interested in combining other procedures with your tummy tuck.

Will I Have Tummy Tuck Scars After Surgery?

As with all surgical procedures that require incisions, tummy tuck surgery will produce scars along the incision lines. The visibility of these scars will vary based on your genetics and healing ability, but keeping tension and sunlight off your scars will help them heal. Almost every tummy tuck patient in Atlanta believes that the scars are worth the results, and scarring can be easily concealed by underwear and bathing suits.

Are Results Permanent?

Tummy tuck results are intended to be long lasting. However, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and natural aging after surgery can affect your results. It is recommended to maintain a healthy weight, avoid smoking, and exercise regularly to keep your tummy tuck results looking fresh and new.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

The cost of tummy tuck surgery will vary depending on the extent of treatment needed. The cost of abdominoplasty may also depend on the surgeon’s fees, anesthesia fees, and compression garment costs. After your consultation, you will be provided with the specific price of your tummy tuck procedure.



Your tummy tuck surgery will be performed using general anesthesia to eliminate any pain during the procedure. Over-the-counter and prescription pain medication can be taken to combat any discomfort during your recovery. However, we inject EXPAREL® during surgery, which is a nerve block that lasts for several days after the procedure to prevent pain.


Recovery from an Atlanta tummy tuck surgery will require a lot of rest to ensure proper healing. We recommend taking two weeks off from work and normal daily responsibilities, after which your surgeon can clear you to return to light activity. Strenuous activity like exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for four to six weeks post-op.


Although some patients see tummy tuck results immediately, full results may take up to six months to be visible. Results will gradually improve with time.

What type of anesthesia is used for my tummy tuck surgery?

A tummy tuck is typically performed using general anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

What risks are associated with tummy tuck surgeries? 

When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, tummy tuck surgery is a generally safe procedure. However, with any surgery, there are risks involved. These risks include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Skin loss
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Pain
  • Anesthesia risks
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Tummy Tuck Experts

The plastic surgeons of Advanced Aesthetics have years of experience performing tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) in Metro Atlanta. They are renowned throughout the state of Georgia for their expertise. If you want to start looking and feeling youthful again, please contact the office today to schedule a consultation. Please browse our complete list of procedures to see how we can help you realize your dream.