Preparing for a Breast Augmentation in Atlanta

Not everyone is satisfied with the appearance of their natural breasts. A breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that can increase the size and change the shape of your breasts using implants or a fat transfer.

A breast augmentation is a significant surgery and generally requires some preparation. We will go over how you can prepare for a breast augmentation in Atlanta to make your recovery smoother.

How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

In the weeks and months before your surgery, you can take several steps to prepare yourself and your home.

Have a Practical Fitness Routine

To begin, it is crucial to practice proper fitness. This does not mean engaging in aggressive routines or starting a new workout app. Focus on building good fitness habits you can maintain in the long run.

This helps to boost your immune system, overall health, and well-being. For example, upper-body stretches and low-weight strength training can improve your strength and posture, which helps support healing in the weeks following surgery.

However, you do not want to overdo it and stress your shoulders, arms, or upper body muscles. This can hinder your healing and make getting around much more difficult.

Quit Smoking

You must stop smoking at least six weeks before and after surgery, including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vaping, nicotine gum, and nicotine patches. Nicotine reduces blood supply to the skin and increases your risk of complications during surgery. It also impairs healing and can increase the likelihood of infection.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

In the weeks before surgery, it is vital to lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat nutritious meals, avoid ultra-processed foods, and get at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night.

Prepare for the Drive Home

While a breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, you will not be able to drive yourself home. You should arrange for a trusted friend or family member to take you back and stay with you for the first 48 hours after surgery. Remember to request the appropriate amount of time off from work to allow yourself to rest and heal.

How to Prepare Your Home for a Breast Augmentation

You can also take several steps to prepare your house before surgery to reduce the risk of any complications and ease your overall convenience.

Get Help With Children and Pets

You will likely require assistance in the first several weeks if you have small children or pets. You will not be able to lift anything heavy and may need help with child and pet care.

Prepare Your Kitchen and Bathroom

For the first one to two weeks, you will need adequate rest. Consider stocking your refrigerator and freezer with meals and snacks that are easy to prepare. You can also consider getting pre-ordered meals from a prep service.

Arrange your bathroom so all your essential items are within easy reach. Since you will not be able to lift your arms for several weeks, your toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, and other personal care items may need to sit out on the counter to reduce stress on your incisions.

Fill Prescriptions and Buy Essentials

Before the day of surgery, be sure to fill out all prescriptions and gather any necessary supplies that have been recommended, such as ice packs, gauze, or a supportive bra. Create an area in your home where you can rest comfortably, with pillows for support and a nearby table to hold water, medications, a phone, and entertainment.

By having the necessary setup ready for when you get home, you can be better prepared for your post-breast augmentation healing in Atlanta.

What You Should Not Do Before a Breast Augmentation

While there are things you should do to prepare yourself and your home for a breast augmentation, there are also actions that you should not take. Talk with your surgeon about the prescriptions or drugs you should avoid before surgery. You may need to work with your primary care physician to alter your medication schedule or use alternatives until the surgery is complete.

Do not overlook getting enough sleep. Your body uses rest to recover, and having sufficient sleep before surgery helps improve your mental and emotional state, reduces your stress levels, and prepares your body for anesthesia. Do not ignore preoperative instructions from your surgeon: they can help reduce complications after surgery and set the stage for a smooth recovery.

Your surgeon will have specific guidelines on what you should wear to surgery, when to stop eating or drinking, and what types of lotions and sprays to avoid on the day of the procedure. If you have any questions, we encourage you to call us and speak with our medical staff to ensure your preparation in Atlanta for a breast augmentation goes smoothly.

Learn More About How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation in Atlanta

A breast augmentation is a major surgical procedure. The more time you spend preparing before surgery, the better your chances of experiencing a smooth recovery.

Reach out to our professional team today and schedule your initial consultation to learn more about how to prepare for a breast augmentation in Atlanta. We can answer any additional questions and discuss other important aspects of this innovative surgery.