Hair Loss Treatment in Stockbridge

Advanced Aesthetics offers an innovative treatment in Stockbridge to combat the loss and thinning of hair. Our Fagron Genomics test, TrichoTest™, is a powerful tool that can genetically assay your medical history and lifestyle to determine the best medical means for your hair restoration process.

This advanced test, combined with our non-surgical offerings, can give you the confidence to take the first step toward greater confidence and satisfaction in your appearance. Get in touch today to learn more!

Leading-Edge Genetic Testing for Hair Loss

Genetic testing for patient hair loss in Stockbridge leads to adaptive, medically customized treatment. A male hormone and derivative of testosterone is often the culprit behind both male-pattern and female-pattern hair loss. Hair follicles react to this hormone to cause shrinkage of the follicle itself, at which time the follicle sheds hair.

When a noninvasive genetic test by a simple saliva sample can determine the causal effect of hair loss, hormone blockers may be administered in the hair revival process. TrichoTest™ is not just a test but a personalized journey to understanding what is impairing your hair growth.

It relies on hair loss genetic markers and linkage to other active hormones, providing a unique discovery for each patient. This personalized approach, guided by the presence of biomarkers associated with hair loss, can offer you enough information to make informed decisions about your hair loss care.

Troublesome Hormones in Hair Loss

A fall in estrogen levels in women can translate hormonally to an uptick in testosterone and affect hair loss in much the same way as testosterone derivatives themselves. Stress hormones such as cortisol, a steroid, can truncate hair growth as they activate the stress response. Thyroid hormones, both too many and too few, can also cause hair loss.

Once genetic testing assays the relationship between genetics and hormonal activity, hair tonic therapies can follow according to TrichoTest™ personalized results. Call today for more information on our hair loss treatments in Stockbridge.

Reach out to Advanced Aesthetics for Your Hair Restoration Treatment Plan in Stockbridge

Advanced Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center is ready to help all patients in Stockbridge who need hair loss treatment. Our team can administer prescriptive oral and topical medications that reduce your androgen and testosterone levels.

We also offer natural, nonprescriptive hair loss treatments. For example, beta-sitosterol, ashwagandha, and fenugreek are alternative solutions for hair regrowth. We are committed to providing you with the best possible care for your hair restoration.

TrichoTest™ is reasonably priced, but Advanced Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center does not take insurance payments. Nevertheless, you may be able to engage in a payment plan with guidance from the Center’s hair restoration team. Healthy hair is an attribute we strive for that adds to our overall well-being. Advanced Aesthetics is ready to help you with your hair restoration; we are just a phone call away.